Frankfurt am Main, 30 October 2024 – The early-booking phase for next year’s EMO Hannover ended on 15 October 2024, by which time more than 1,100 exhibitors from all over the world had registered. That is just over 10 percent more than at the same time in the run-up to EMO 2023. “Our attractive early-bird offer has clearly motivated companies to sign up, despite the chal-lenging economic conditions,” says Dr. Markus Heering, Executive Director of EMO organizer VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association). He is con-vinced that the wide-ranging services included in the price are particularly at-tractive to exhibitors.
At present, the exhibitors will be attending from 27 countries. The largest group, accounting for more than a quarter of all exhibitors, comes from the home market, Germany. Leading manufacturers such as Grob, Spinner, Index, Liebherr Verzahntechnik, DMG Mori, Paul Horn, Hermle and many more have already signed up. “At the EMO in September next year, we are of course ex-pecting to see all the big-name international manufacturers return,” reports Heering. Germany is followed by China, Taiwan, Italy and Switzerland in the rankings of the largest exhibitor countries. These companies include well-known names such as Anca from Australia, Ficep from Italy, Mazak from Ja-pan and Georg Fischer and Starrag from Switzerland.
At the last EMO in 2023, strict coronavirus restrictions held down the numbers of Chinese suppliers in particular. “Now, two years later, the Chinese are doing all they can to make a comeback on the international stage. As they say: “Be-ing there is everything”, observes Martin Göbel, Head of Trade Fairs at the VDW.
EMO Hannover 2025 – World’s Leading Trade Fair for Production Technology
Under the banner Innovate Manufacturing, EMO is set to showcase the entire metalworking value chain from 22 to 26 September 2025. This includes cutting and forming machine tools, manufacturing systems, precision tools, automated material handling, computer technology, in-dustrial electronics and accessories. The EMO is held every two years, rotating between Hano-ver-Hanover–Milan. The event is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2025. The 2023 EMO drew more than 1,800 exhibitors and just over 92,000 visitors from all over the world to Hanover. Standing for Innovation, EMO is the number one platform for metalworking : It is a driving force and global leader when it comes to new products, manufacturing solutions and services. Inter-nationality: International market leaders from 45 countries exhibit at EMO.
The EMO trade visi-tors come from around 140 countries and represent all the major industries, including machine and plant construction, the automotive industry and parts suppliers, aerospace, precision engi-neering and optics, shipbuilding, medical engineering, tool and mold making, steel and light-weight construction. Inspiration: No other trade fair presents the full breadth and depth of inter-national manufacturing technology like EMO. Highly experienced exhibitors and visitors come together to discuss the megatrends in manufacturing, share their views with international pro-duction researchers, and develop solutions to existing challenges. The future of metalwork-ing: The quest to Innovate Manufacturing remains a constant challenge for industry. EMO high-lights the limitless possibilities of industrial production.